Monday, July 19, 2010


It's been about a month and a half since my last update and I apologize. I did end up getting hired at another club a few weeks ago, which came at very fortunate timing; I became incredibly pissed off at the management at the previous club and spontaneously quit the Friday before the Monday I found out I was hired and asked to work immediately.

This club presents its own challenges but is overall a better, more relaxed atmosphere to work in. The first week I found myself in a high, but quickly found myself experiencing a sense of loneliness and alienation... what can I say? I miss the people I worked with.

(Un?)Fortunately with this industry, you're never really very far removed from anyone else in it - customers included. This past week I met a customer I saw a few months ago at the old club and he took the liberty to remind me of the day he had previously seen me: The Easter Bunny Face-Rapeage Day.

It was a given Easter would be a slow day. I worked it for the irony. A few hours passed and, as predicted, very few folks wandered in.

Then, out of the blue, a mob of white Easter bunnies flooded the place, dancing like they were London ravers from the early 90's. No joke.

Decked out in full-body white fur costumes with large happy heads, complete with empty, soulless eyes, they partied with PBRs in paws, and a few sat down at the rack. A tall one stood up from his seat and his speckled bunny pants dropped to reveal speckled boxer shorts over a pair of thin, hairy legs belonging to a (bunny) man who subsists entirely on a diet of top ramen and strawberry pop tarts.

Moments later I found myself in the private area with a new bunny, grimacing as I realized this particular wascaly wabbit wasn't wearing anything under his fur outfit; his boner jut out, giving me the feeling of an unwilling participant at a furries convention. It was like an advanced-level alpine ski slope: reach the edge, flatspin and follow through with a perfect landing, $20 in my garter and a compulsion to wash my hands.

Before I could get away, he sheepishly thanked me, lifted his giant happy rabbit head and attempted to plant his tongue in my mouth like a sloppy rendition of Attack Of The Kissing Rabbit. Horny motherfucker.

His lips had just reached mine as I pushed/punched his face away, tongue still sticking out between his lips. I stopped and gave my Look of Disapproval ( ͠ʘ_͠ʘ) and left.

The realization shortly hit me: guys, the Easter Bunny tried to face-rape me.

No matter. I went back out on the floor and gave four bunny girls a dance simultaneously, as their Easter orgy glitter clung to me. Such is life.

Awfulness: 8/10
Douchiness: 10/10

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